Thursday, 23 October 2014

De ce am ales HDC? / Why I chose HDC?

De ce am ales HDC? / Why I chose HDC?
After some months of research HDC seem to be the easy choice for me and I will explain why.

Firstly I checked a lot of their results and needless to say they do amazing work. What I really liked about them after speaking directly with HDC staff and the doctors, is that they really cared about fixing my problem from the aesthetic and visual part in order to provide artistic and natural result, giving a lot of attention to the physiological part as well. The consultation was very objective, one of the doctors even suggested me to use less grafts in order to make it look more natural. So from that point I knew that these guys are not only here to put some hair in my head and make some money but really to make me feel better and do the job right.
In addition some other smaller parameters for HDC that affected my choice is their website, there is a lot of content written in simple language, blog posts, guides and more. Why this is important?

Because the fact that they spend a lot of time and resources, to educate people, provide advice and all this content to their website means that they care to give (not only get) and they pay a lot attention to the detail.

Cost was of course an issue for me and for most of us I guess and I have to admit that HDC is not the cheapest clinic out there. But really is hair transplant something that worth risking it for a few hundred euros? To be fair I need to say that HDC is definitely cheaper than other good clinics in Europe and the U.S.
Finally I thought that lying on a bed and having some people working on my head for so many hours is not something I would enjoy doing with anyone but only with the pros. 
Mai multe detalii despre experienta si evolutia acestui pacient
Daca iti plac rezultatele noastre de transplant de par urmareste-ne si pe Facebook - Implant de Par HDC - pentru a fi la curent cu ultimele noutati in implantul de par si ofertele Clinicii HDC

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Poze implant de par la 6 luni

Acest pacient a avut un implant de par nereusit efectuat in Israel prin metoda STRIP. Dupa cativa ani de ample cercetari si dupa ce a vazut rezultatele bune de implant de par ale echipei medicale HDC a decis sa aleaga Metoda FUE. Pozele cu rezultatul la 6 luni SUNT FACUTE DE PACIENT CU PARUL UMED.
Inainte de interventia de implant de par 
Imediat dupa interventia de implant de par
Dupa o saptamana de la implantul de par
6 luni de la implantul de par - poze cu parul umed
Vizitati site-ul clinicii  HDC, Cipru pentru mai multe Rezultate de transplant / implant de par
Daca iti plac rezultatele noastre de transplant de par urmareste-ne si pe Facebook - Implant de Par HDC - pentru a fi la curent cu ultimele noutati in implantul de par si ofertele Clinicii HDC

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Implant de Par - 3150 grefe Metoda FUE

Acum ca am primit si o actualizare a pozelor, as dori sa va prezint un pacient caruia i s-au implantat 3150 de grefe prin Metoda FUE. Pozele care prezinta implantul de par de la 4 luni la 7 luni de la interventie sunt facute de pacient.
Zona primitoare la 4 luni de la implantul de par
Zona primitoare la 5 luni de la implantul de par
Dupa 7 luni de la Implantul de Par
Daca iti plac rezultatele noastre de transplant de par urmareste-ne si pe Facebook - Implant de Par HDC - pentru a fi la curent cu ultimele noutati in implantul de par si ofertele Clinicii HDC

Friday, 20 June 2014

Rezultate Implant de Par / Transplant de Par Clinica HDC

Rezultat Inainte/Dupa - Implant de Par 2500 grefe - Metoda FUE
Rezultat Implant de Par / Transplant de Par 2000 grefe - Metoda FUE
Rezultat Implant de Par /Transplant de Par , Clinica HDC Cipru ,2100 grefe, Metoda FUE
Un alt Rezultat Implant de Par marca HDC 2500 grefe, Metoda FUE

Monday, 9 June 2014

Oferta Implant Par - ''Last Minute''*

Te-ai hotarat sa faci un Implant de Par?
Alege oferta “Last minute”. 

Doar in perioada 25, 26, 27 Iunie 2014 costul unui graft prin Metoda FUE este de 2,3

*Detalii despre oferta la

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Implant de Par de Vedeta

Urmareste Oferta de Vara HDC tu poti avea un Implant de Par de Vedeta